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FYI: Retinol, Hyaluronic Acid & Vitamin C

Read below for everything you want to know about Retinol, HA & Vit C


Retinol improves acne and acne scarring, pigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, skin texture, skin tone and colour, and your skin’s hydration levels. It is one of the first skincare products on the market as early as mid forties in the last century.

Retinol is derived from Vitamin A and is found in many over-the-counter “anti-aging”

skin care products. Tretinoin, which is the active ingredient in prescription creams, is

a stronger version of retinol. Retinol can be too sensitive for your skin leading to

irritation, redness and scaling.

Retinol has a molecular structure that’s tiny enough to get into the lower layers of

your skin, where it finds and boosts collagen and elastin. However retinol can not be used pre-pregnancy and during pregnancy as it is well established to have teratogenic effects: a 30% chance to have organ defects in the fetus!

A far better alternative is Bakuchiol, a full herbal ingredient that gives better skin

renewal than retinol and can safely be used during pregnancy and gives no skin

irritation. For more information on Bakuchiol, visit other publications in our Blog.

L-ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

This is the only form of  Vitamin C  that you should look for in your skin care products. With age and sun exposure, collagen synthesis in your skin decreases, leading to wrinkles. Vitamin C is the only antioxidant proven to stimulate the synthesis of collagen, minimizing fine lines, scars and wrinkles. It may also improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin. Initial use of Vitamin C containing creams can cause stinging or redness, but these side effects generally go away with continued use.

Hyaluronic Acid

Skincare products containing this substance are often used with Vitamin C products to assist in effective penetration.  Hyaluronic Acid is touted for its ability to “reverse” or stop aging. Hyaluronic Acid is the “key to the fountain of youth.” This is because the substance occurs naturally in humans and animals, and is found in skin, other tissues and joint fluid.

Hyaluronic Acid is a component of your body’s connective tissues, and it’s known to

cushion and lubricate these tissues. As you age, however, Hyaluronic Acid production is slowed resulting in less plump skin as Hyaluronic Acid can retain water thousand times its own weight! Less Hyaluronic Acid results in wrinkles because of water loss. That is why skincare products with Hyaluronic Acid are perfect moisturizers!


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